Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Getting fit is a process by which people are physically conditioned in a progressive manner to meet their individual fitness and/or body composition goals. Individuals workout for a variety of reasons; get stronger, reduce body fight, compete in a chosen activity or just obtain the health-related benefits of exercise. Each individual's goals may vary but the common tread is the desire to get fit.
Defining being "out of shape" often falls into several categories:
  • Lack of physical strength or "being weak"
  • Lack of cardiovascular endurance or "getting winded easily"
  • Lack of muscle tone or "being flabby"
  • Having excess body weight or "being fat"
Often being "out of shape" is due to an illness, injury, or pregnancy. In these cases, the rebuilding process must be done in conjunction with professional medical treatment and approval which may include physical limitations or restrictions on certain fitness activities.
structured fitness program will alleviate the physical deficiencies noted in the"out of shape" categories listed above as well as provide education and experience concerning physical fitness exercises and workouts.
GET FIT: The Weekly Exercise Plan provides challenging workout sessions using endurance and strength exercises to help you reach your fitness goals. Employing a cross-training philosophy, the training plan was developed to avoid over-training and reduce the risk of overuse injuries. These sessions include general physical conditioning activities and are similar in design as the physical training workouts conducted daily throughout the armed forces.

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