Monday, October 31, 2016


Progression is a principle of physical fitness. This principle states the exercise intensity and duration must gradually increase over a period of time in order to maximize potential physical training gains and minimize the risk of injury.

How to Build an Athletic Butt: General Conditioning Plan for Horizontal Jumpers

Athletes have some of the shapeliest and toned backsides on the planet.  Build your own killer booty with a long and triple jumpers' strength and conditioning plan. Runway and sand pit are not needed!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Saturday, October 29, 2016


The Flab-to-Fit program goal is to provide conditioning sessions, using a variety of exercises, to afford participants an opportunity to to progressively rebuild themselves after a weight or body fat increase due to injury or illness, pregnancy or a period of sedentary lifestyle.

The benefits of this program include:
  • Improved body composition due to decreased body fat;
  • Increased cardio-vascular endurance;
  • Enhanced muscular strength and endurance;
  • Improved flexibility;
  • Provides variety to offset boredom.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Monday, October 24, 2016

Looking to Start a Strength Training Routine?

There are some basic concepts that should be followed to build strength. Depending on the individual’s fitness goals, he or she may want to do specific things. Bodybuilders focus on muscle size and symmetry. Endurance athletes desire to develop muscular endurance and stamina. Explosiveness is the objective for power athletes. Powerlifters attempt to lift the maximal weight possible. Each has specific goals which will be developed in very different training routines. Those who desire to develop a sound general fitness base should focus on the health-related fitness components of muscular endurance and muscular strength.


Surround yourself with others who share common goals and can help you achieve yours.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

A Program That Has Worked for Millions

The U.S. Armed Forces physical training programs presented at the services's basic training serves as an introduction to strenuous physical activity for many men and women. It goals include; physical adaptations (strengthening and conditioning) that take place to new service members' bodies, meeting our exceeding service-specific fitness requirements, and developing required physical skills necessary to survive and excel on the world's battlefields.
More than likely, going to war isn't on your list of things to do. That doesn't mean that you can't benefit from a military physical conditioning program. These benefits include; body composition improvement (lose excess body fat while gaining muscle tone), endurance, flexibility and strength. Regardless of your fitness goals, inclusion of military conditioning will enhance your overall conditioning base and level of physical fitness.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016

MILITARY CROSS-TRAINING: Calisthenics Plus a Conditioning Hike

This workout was modeled after physical training sessions common in the armed forces special operations community. Cardiovascular and muscular endurance are perquisites for these service members being that everything they carry on a mission, they carry on their backs. Marine infantry units complete twenty-five mile marches in under eight hours wearing forty pound packs and carrying their weapons.
This Flab-to-Fit workout will be somewhat less intense but will still develop core and leg strength as well as stamina using a combination of calisthenics and a conditioning hike.

Goals of Strength Training

The type of training that is performed should be reflective of the goals and needs of each individual. Depending on one’s goals, specific training programs can target the desired results.

In general, strength-training programs can be created to enhance the following general goals;
Muscle size: A principal goal of bodybuilders. While muscle size may be aesthetically pleasing, it does not necessarily help to enhance an individual’s performance.
Muscular endurance: The ability to execute movements repeatedly. A health-related benefit of fitness and the goal of athletes who participate in endurance sports.
Muscular strength: The ability to produce force. Another health-related benefit of fitness, strength improvement assists in making physical activities, particularly the movement of heavy objects, easier.
Power: The ability to quickly produce maximal force. A performance-related benefit of fitness and the goal of athletes who partake in sports involving explosive movements.
For the most part, the differences between the training programs designed to emphasize one of these goals involves manipulating the number of sets, repetitions, and rest intervals.

Sunday, October 16, 2016


Sprinting is an awesome physique shaper. Unlike long distance jogging, sprinting is an anaerobic activity which reduces body fat and adds lean muscle mass in both the upper and lower body.


Without a doubt, the best and most specific way to develop beach volleyball skills and a beach volleyball booty in to play beach volleyball and workout using the sport's training routine. Beach volleyball conditioning will activate your glutes with explosive movements to improve your agility, power and, over time, will enhance your stamina.

Most sports divide their annual training plan into four phases; off-season, pre-season, early season and late season. The training goes from general physical preparation and rest in the off-season to primarily high-intensity sport specific skills training and conditioning maintenance in the late season. Minimal sport-specific training occurs in the off-season while late season training includes minimal supplemental training.

Saturday, October 15, 2016


This series focuses on building an athletic butt with glutes-developing activities. The javelin routine will not on work your booty, but with a significant amount of core exercises and weight lifting, this strength and conditioning routine is a total physique changer. Follow the routine and reap its benefits; become stronger and more agile while reducing excess body fat and building a gossip-worthy derriere.

Flab-to-Fit: Week 8 of the Transformation Workout Program

A year-round routine that will transform your body. The Flab-to-Fit training plan combines various fitness techniques to shred excess body fat, add strength and stamina to improve overall health & fitness.

Thursday, October 13, 2016


This exercise plan will help burn excess body fat and tone muscle and as a result you'll feel and look amazing. If for nothing else, do it for your health and wellness. The Flab-to-Fit exercise plan is easy to follow, can be started without any prior exercise experience, and is designed using proven military techniques which transform the bodies of thousands of Americans annually.


Javelin throwers come in all shapes and sizes. Along with the discus and shot put, the javelin is a throwing event. Javelin throwers tend to be significantly leaner than their throwing counterparts.

The critical components of fitness for javelin throwers include:
  • Agility - the ability to quickly change directions;
  • Coordination - the ability to combine simple movements into an efficient complex movement;
  • Flexibility - the ability to move joints through a full range of motion;
  • Muscular Strength - the ability to produce force;
  • Power - the ability to quickly produce maximal force.
Javelin throwers ability to stay physically fit and perform explosive throws is based on their sport-specific skills and physical conditioning. Your athletic skills including agility, strength and power will be enhanced using the training activities conducted by these athletes. Besides added athleticism, their general conditioning program will go a long way to help flatten your abs and round your booty.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Across the world, service members maintain their physical readiness and low body fat percentages through sound health and fitness habits which are in accordance with the latest accepted medical- and scientific-approved practices. The Flab-to-Fit program is designed using the techniques that have made the U.S. Armed Forces one of the fittest populations, male and female, on this planet.

Using a variety of physical fitness activities, this program is designed to progressively physically condition individuals with a starting performance level of those living a sedentary lifestyle and an end state of a significantly improved level of fitness in conjunction with the accomplishment of optimal body composition.
This program is 12 months in duration. The program’s intensity will progressively get harder, starting at approximately 10% intensity of the ending efforts. There will be a relative balance between physical fitness components to make it well-rounded as well as adding variety to reduce boredom. Being persistent and following the program regularly (daily) is the key to being successful. This includes resting and recovering when noted.


Body composition is the proportion of fat and fat-free (bone, muscle, tissue, water) mass in the body. It is common for people to gain weight and increase body fat as a result of a lack of exercise and poor nutritional habits.

Proper nutrition is a basic fundamental for maintaining a fit and healthy body. Its a garbage-in, garbage out deal. Eat incorrectly, and your body will perform in a less-than-optimal manner. Eat correctly and your body will respond positively.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Javelin Training to Build an Athletic Butt

Javelin throwers come in all shapes and sizes. Along with the discus and shot put, the javelin is a throwing event. Javelin throwers tend to be significantly leaner than their throwing counterparts.

General javelin conditioning involves core conditioning, plyometrics, running, stretching and weight training. Due to the nature of the event, core and glutes development is essential.
So it's time to build your own athletic physique with a javelin thrower's training plan. No spear slinging is involved!


This cross-training session includes a general warm-up, two core strengthening periods, a circuit-training period, a calisthenics period and stretching.

The intent of the circuit training period is to introduce a circuit involving running mixed with strength-building exercises, maximizing a stamina impact. The calisthenics are designed to build strength and endurance. This first core period focuses on core stability with a plank and bridge circuit. This period is conducted as a circuit with no rest between exercises. The second core period is aimed at developing abdominal strength with several sets of abdominal crunches.

Hurdler-specific Warm-up Exercises

The specific warm-up works movements that are integral to hurdling, beginning the conditioning process and improving range of motion.

Do one set of ten repetitions per side of; Bird Dog, Donkey Kick, Fire Hydrant, Mountain Climber, and the Standing Quadriceps Stretch (10 seconds each).

Monday, October 10, 2016


Here are a few good reasons to strength train:
  • Your muscles will get stronger and toned
  • You’ll develop stronger bones
  • You’ll reduce body fat while adding muscle
  • You’ll look better
  • You’ll feel better
  • You’ll increase your mobility
  • You’ll decrease your risk of injury


The most effective way to increase strength is through the use of weight training. No comprehensive fitness program is complete without resistance  training.


Training the body's midsection is much more than working to get a six-pack stomach. Core training is critical for good performance. The core section connects the body's upper and lower limbs and acts as the body's power regulator. 

In throwing events such as the javelin, the efficient transfer of force determines the acceleration in which the javelin is thrown and subsequently the distance it is thrown.

Three separate core training cards will be used during this program to address core strength, core stability and core rotation.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Flab-to-Fit: Week 7 of the Transformation Workout Program

Based on the proven training methods that has produced results for millions of armed forces members, the Flab-to-Fit program will have you strengthening and reshaping your body in a progressive manner to maximize your potential and minimize the risk of injury.

Being in the second month of training, we'll keep the relative intensity at about twenty percent of the program's most strenuous workouts. Don't be concerned about the relative intensity at this time, know that it will get progressively more difficult and that by following the exercise plan be assured that you will be fitter and capable of handling the increased workload when it comes. We're here to get fit, not to get injured; we'll take it one step at a time knowing that each step brings us one step closer to mission accomplishment. Now's the time to lay down a good foundation that we'll build up from starting in the near future.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

How to Build an Athletic Butt Part 4

Athletes have some of the shapeliest and toned backsides on the planet. Build your own killer booty with the conditioning techniques used by track & field's javelin throwers. No spear throwing required!

Information concerning the general strength and conditioning drills and strategies used by javelin throwers is presented. This training involves core conditioning, plyometrics, running, stretching and weight training. Due to the nature of the event, core and glutes development is essential.
So it's time to build your own athletic physique with a javelin thrower's training plan. No spear slinging is involved!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016



Leanness, physical fitness & self-esteem are often inter-related. Leanness is a relevant term and does not mean skinny!

For many, the most important result of physical fitness is how we feel about ourselves. Regardless of individual goals, being fit is a positive self-esteem builder.

Quality of Training or Training Quantity?

The quality of training is how well the exercises are performed and is influenced by the technique and loads that are used when performing the exercise.

Training quantity or volume is the total amount of weight lifted. Many individuals often sacrifice the quality of their training in an effort to increase quantity.
In strength training, you should strive to train intelligently. In general, it is recommended that you perform exercises with quality rather than focus on volume. More is less: more volume is often less effective.
Choosing a volume approach also increases the risk of over-training. Over-training combines doing too much without enough rest which results in decreases in performance while increasing the risk of illness and injury.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


The type of training that is performed should be reflective of the goals and needs of each individual. Depending on one’s goals, specific training programs can target the desired results.
Powerlifters are not concerned with aesthetics. Their objective is to lift as much weight as humanly possible.
 In general, strength-training programs can be created to enhance the following general goals;
Muscle size - Muscular endurance - Muscular strength - Power


A good warm-up prepares your body for movement and conditioning activities. It will boost your performance by t gradually increasing heart rate and blood flow to muscles and elevating your core temperature.
In addition, warm-up activities increase flexibility by elongating muscles and removing stiffness from joints. The brain is also put on alert that some degree of motor coordination skills will be utilized in the near future. The desired end state is an injury-free, effective workout.


Try this progressive training program to enhance your athleticism while shaping your caboose.

Sunday, October 2, 2016


This cross-training session is divided into four parts; warm-up, calisthenics, running and cool down.

The calisthenics portion includes five separate supersets, each including push-ups plus one other exercise. Complete each superset three times before moving on to the next superset. There is no rest between exercises and thirty seconds rest between sets.
The running portion includes four sets of fifteen meter strides with sixty seconds rest between each. Strides are run which are slower than sprints but faster than jogging, somewhere about fifty percent of maximum speed.

Saturday, October 1, 2016


A session to get explosive and fast with speed work. Wind sprints help muscle toning particularly in the glutes and legs as well as adding a key athletic skill to the exercise plan.

As an injury preventing measure, sprint at no more than eighty percent of your top speed. Additionally, ensure that you complete the general and specific warm-ups before sprinting and that you cool down and stretch afterwards.