Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Across the world, service members maintain their physical readiness and low body fat percentages through sound health and fitness habits which are in accordance with the latest accepted medical- and scientific-approved practices. The Flab-to-Fit program is designed using the techniques that have made the U.S. Armed Forces one of the fittest populations, male and female, on this planet.

Using a variety of physical fitness activities, this program is designed to progressively physically condition individuals with a starting performance level of those living a sedentary lifestyle and an end state of a significantly improved level of fitness in conjunction with the accomplishment of optimal body composition.
This program is 12 months in duration. The program’s intensity will progressively get harder, starting at approximately 10% intensity of the ending efforts. There will be a relative balance between physical fitness components to make it well-rounded as well as adding variety to reduce boredom. Being persistent and following the program regularly (daily) is the key to being successful. This includes resting and recovering when noted.

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