Wednesday, November 16, 2016


An athletic cross-training session designed to improve acceleration, power and strength.
The acceleration portion of the workout mimics actions of sprinters while starting a race. The sprinters start exercise begins with a sprinters stance; one leg back and the other forward as if doing mountain climbers. Stand up bringing the rear forward and up to a high-knee position. The starting drills begin with the sprinters stance and are conducted by taking explosive steps out of the stance for five meters.
The power and strength period consist of two sub-periods. The first period consists of sets of single exercises; upright row, barbell squat and bench. Once these sets are completed; two rounds of a four exercise circuit are conducted. Fifteen seconds rest should be taken between each exercise and round while completing the circuits. Use light weights while conducting the curls and upright row during the circuit training.
The workout is completed with a flexibility period.

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