Tuesday, December 20, 2016

What are the Fundamental Principles of Strength Training?

Strength training is a science with methodologies and variables. Once your goals are established it's time to look at the basic principles that should be followed to develop a strength and conditioning program designed to help achieve your objectives. You will want to do specific things which depend on the goals of the training program. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016


As with all of the program's running workouts, this workout session will commence with a general warm-up followed by a specific warm-up for running. The specific warm-up for running includes drills which will help not only warming up the muscles used when running but will enhance running performance by rehearsing running's complex skills.
Sunday's main training event is ten sets of twenty-five meter strides. Besides being a great toning activity, striding enhances physical performance by improving speed-endurance. Improved speed-endurance will allow you to be able to hold your top speed for a longer period of time. Strides should be conducted at about fifty to sixty percent of one's top speed.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Flab-to-Fit: Week 14 of the Transformation Workout Program

Exercise is too powerful of a health enhancement and maintenance tool to go unused. The only way to improve your physical fitness is through exercise. Exercise improves endurance and strength while reducing excess body fat and increasing muscle tone.
With the Flab-to-Fit Total Body Transformation Program you can build muscle, burn fat and lose weight in a progressive manner using physical conditioning techniques that have worked for millions of members of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Benefits of Exercise

The rewards of working out on a regular basis include getting all the benefits of exercise; increased energy, better sleep and body fat maintenance, improved attitude and health, enhanced physical abilities and being in better shape.

Thursday, November 24, 2016


The Flab-to-Fit exercise program has a variety of workouts based on armed services physical training programs, including; calisthenics, circuit training, cross-training, hiking, jogging, sprinting and weight lifting.

Monday, November 21, 2016


The weight training segment of the Flab-to-Fit exercise plan is designed to improve muscular endurance by gradually and systematically increasing repetitions and training load (weight) throughout the course of the training program.

Weight lifting is one of the most popular fitness activities in the world today whose proponents point to the activity's ability to increase strength while building a leaner body and stronger mind.

While conducting multiple sets, use the first set as a specific warm-up using half the training weight for each exercise. When increasing weight throughout the program, increase the poundage by the least amount possible.