Tuesday, December 20, 2016

What are the Fundamental Principles of Strength Training?

Strength training is a science with methodologies and variables. Once your goals are established it's time to look at the basic principles that should be followed to develop a strength and conditioning program designed to help achieve your objectives. You will want to do specific things which depend on the goals of the training program. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016


As with all of the program's running workouts, this workout session will commence with a general warm-up followed by a specific warm-up for running. The specific warm-up for running includes drills which will help not only warming up the muscles used when running but will enhance running performance by rehearsing running's complex skills.
Sunday's main training event is ten sets of twenty-five meter strides. Besides being a great toning activity, striding enhances physical performance by improving speed-endurance. Improved speed-endurance will allow you to be able to hold your top speed for a longer period of time. Strides should be conducted at about fifty to sixty percent of one's top speed.